Support MMCI

Support MMCI by becoming a volunteer or making a donation to help others.

1How to Make a Donation

We accept both cash and non-cash donations. By making a donation, you agree to our Donation Terms.

If you have any questions about donations, please do not hesitate to contact our Legal Department.

Mgr. Radek Halouzka
T +420 543 134 123
E [obfuscate_1_|102|97|108|110|108|120|107|97|63|100|109|117|46|98|113]

2Cash Donations

You can make a cash or noncash donation as a natural or legal person and decide which MMCI workplace you are going to support.

In accordance with Act No. 586/1992, on Income Taxes, as amended (Section 15(1) for natural persons and Section 20(8) for legal persons), you can reduce the income tax base by the amount donated.

Do you wish to make a noncash donation to the MMCI? You can find more information on the Czech website.

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