Support MMCI

Become a volunteer or make a donation and help others.

1How to make a donation

We accept cash and noncash donations. By making a donation, you agree with the Donation Terms.

If you have any questions about donations, please do not hesitate to contact the Legal Department.

Mgr. Radek Halouzka
T +420 543 134 123
E [obfuscate_1_|103|88|100|107|114|121|98|89|60|106|110|108|38|95|119]

2Cash donations

You can make a cash or noncash donation as a natural or legal person and decide which MMCI workplace you are going to support.

In accordance with Act No. 586/1992, on Income Taxes, as amended (Section 15 ( 1 ) for natural persons and section 20 ( 8 ) for legal persons), you can reduce the income tax base by the amount donated.

Do you want to make a noncash donation to the MMCI? You can find more information on the Czech website.

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